Luminous Healing – With Marcela Grant

Jan 09, 13 Luminous Healing – With Marcela Grant

Marcela GrantMarcela offers Shamanic Energy Medicine which is a holistic approach to healing, based on ancient wisdom and techniques of the Shamans from the high mountains of the Andes.  Energy healing techniques work with your body’s Luminous Energy Field and energy centres called chakras, to gently achieve transformation and balance.

Marcela has been working in the Ajax area where she has recently written a children’s book and also offers workshops on Munay-Ki.  Munay-Ki are the nine gates that heal us and transform our human energy field into that of “Homo-Luminous” or light-being.  The rites of the Munay-Ki awakens the God-consciousness or divine brain within each of us and permits us to “dream the world into being,” and become the peace we desire to create in the world.  For more information about these practices or to contact Marcela, visit her beautiful website at: