Restorative Reiki – With Christine Jefferies

Nov 26, 12 Restorative Reiki – With Christine Jefferies

Christine is a fully certified Usui Reiki Master and Teacher who brings a nurturing and calm energy to each client.  She studied her Reiki Master Certification in the legendary and spiritual village of Glastonbury with William Lee Rand from the International Center for Reiki. Her attunement was received within the sacred inner circle of Stonehenge.

Christine works out of Pickering Ontario, and has developed an intimate and comprehensive training program with classes ranging from an Introductory Level 1, up to a Masters/Teacher’s Certification.

Reiki is a fantastic alternative therapy, and an understanding of its principles can give you a good base for future work in many other areas and modalities.  If you are interested in learning more about Christine’s work, please visit her beautiful website!

Visit Her Website